Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Footsteps to your OWN PATH!!

People often say that thoughts become things- but questions are what help determine our thoughts.
Successful people simply ask better questions. If you ask better questions, you get better answers. When you have better answers, you make better decisions. Better decisions lead to better results.
The quality of your life improves.
Now, you may be thinking, "ok that makes sense, but how do I do this?" 
You have often heard the suggestion or saying "ask and ye shall receive." It's true.
Think for a second about something you want and what you are willing to do to get that.
Maybe ask a question that will put you in a better mood in an instant- what are you happy, proud, grateful, excited about? 

Once you are in a better mood you can then really start to focus on what you want.
An Exercise/Process To Help You Ask Better Questions:
  • Set out to ask four questions about that thing that you want.
  • What is in your way?
  • How are you limiting yourself?
  • What can get you to that goal?
  • Who can help you?
Asking questions can get you anything you want. When you ask the right questions, and write them down you then have a plan. When you have a plan, you have instantly increased the odds that you will get what you what. Or at a minimum you will have increased your belief in your ability to get what you want. YOur focus is to help you gain hope, increase your optimism. What is interesting about this focus is that you can get to this point, and start nurturing this, without sticking to a stringent plan.
It is A GREAT place to be, and WORTH the work it takes to get there.
People have responded to this concept, and really embraced it. If you think about it, so many traditional diet approaches are aSkin to push a beach ball under water. Obviously the ball will bounce right back up .But when you think in terms of the journey, you break it down into a small series of adjustments. Start making small footprints in that journey and you will create your own clear path... 

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